Sunday, 25 September 2011

A lovely surprise

I had a lovely surprise through the post last week which I haven't had a chance to share with you until now.

I helped to promote Nessa of Coloured Ribbits Facebook Page as she wanted to reach 100 likes to be able to do a competition. She actually did another prize for her 76th like and because they came via my Tabby Cat Collars Facebook Page she also gave me a little prize too! So very kind of Nessa!

She sent me an email and asked me what colour I would like to I pinked pink (no surprise really!) and this is what I got through the post:

It's a really pretty handmade necklace, which was packaged beautifully (just right for either popping in the post or displaying at a craft fair).

Why not check out her page for more brightly coloured beautifullness! (is that even a word?!).

Take care, Jen x

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Upcycling - heart print blanket

I decided to try my hand at a bit of upcycling! Tabitha's hammock bed was well past its best - as you can see there were some serious holes in it! Only caused through lots of use - the material isn't the strongest and I like to run it through the washing machine too.

You can see in the photo that the hammock sits over the back of a chair. Really these are designed as radiator beds but they don't fit the modern radiators in our house, so the back of a chair works just as well.

So I had a think about what to do - buy a new one (not a massive cost) or try my hand at upcycling! For those of you who aren't familar with the term, it means turning something either useless or not being used into something rather fantastic and useful!

I decided to use this old fleece blanket and make a new cover for the hammock. It's only an old Primark blanket, but I love the heart print!

I did some measuring and realised that the hammock was made from one long piece of fabric, folded in at the top and bottom and then you just stitch along the sides. This gives you the shape you need to then slot the hammock frame in.

Blanket cut and sides folded in and pinned, it was then to my friendly sewing machine and a few minutes later a new bed was created!

I am really pleased with the result and I still have a half a blanket left so I can make another one!

I was a bit worried as Tabitha didn't jump straight in it, but like she is with most new things, a chance to test it by herself without pressure meant she now loves it and is having pussy cat dreams in it as I type this blog.

Sweet dreams Tabby Cat!

Has anyone else had a go at upcycling? I would love to hear if you have!

Take care, Jen x